
Showing posts from November, 2022

Vitamin A: Not Just to Fight Male Organ Odor

 Vitamin A: Not Just to Fight Male Organ Odor   Health,Fitness As most men know from unfortunate personal experience, male organ odor can be a frustratingly common problem among guys, and one that can be a huge turn-off to partners. Regular readers know that vitamin A can often help a man deal with persistent male organ odor, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that can attack the root cause of odor. But as valuable as vitamin A is in combatting odor, it would be a mistake to assume this is the only contribution the mighty vitamin makes to member health. Read on to learn more. About vitamin A Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin sometimes called retinol. When a vitamin is fat-soluble, that means that it dissolves in fat (as opposed to dissolving in water). Those that dissolve in water are faster acting, whereas those that are fat-soluble tend to be stored in the body for longer periods of time. Foods with vitamin A As with most vitamins, vitamin A is commonly found in a wide va